Episode 38 — Roadtrip to Sedona in the Age of COVID-19

2020 has been different in so many ways. We have decided to forego air travel for road travel. Maybe it’s our way of maintaining some control. This month (October 2020), we are spending a week out in Sedona, AZ. It is just at the limit of what we can reasonably do at this time with a four year-old kid.

Our drive here was supposed to be quick and easy — one stop midway to eat and then the rest of the way was supposed to be smooth sailing. I guess that would have been too easy, right? We started out later than we hoped. I should probably just plan for us to be leaving later than we planned. We ended up having to stop after only an hour on the road in Indio (near Palm Springs) to find a bathroom. Finding a bathroom these days is a bit challenging with all the closures and limited capacities with COVID-19. We ended up stopping at Target. It served as both a bathroom break and a time to stretch our legs. Faith and Allie are fans of browsing at Target so this turned out ok.

Then we made another stop at Blythe for lunch. Neither Allie nor I had previously made stops here in Blythe so we didn’t have a go-to location for lunch. We ended up at Taco Bell after we tried using Yelp to find a local eatery. We later regretted that decision; Faith and I both had GI symptoms to battle later.

After Blythe we found ourselves forced to exit and stop at a rest area. Faith was absolutely losing it. She was literally trying to rip off her seat belt. We pulled over and let her run around. But again, another unforeseen delay. Finally, when we were on the outskirts of Phoenix, I turned to look at Faith and she threw up all of her lunch and then some.

Wonderful start to our week of road trip, right? But hey… no complaining!