Located in the Paradise Pier region of Disney’s California Adventure (between The Little Mermaid — Ariel’s Undersea Adventure and Goffy’s Sky School), is Corn Dog Castle. Most stands don’t offer any discount for pass holders. I guess this is considered an actual dining location. If you are a passholder, be sure to bring your pass to get your discount on your food.
The menu here is small. There are 3 options to choose from: Original Corn Dog (?chicken), Hot-Link Corn Dog (spicy pork), and the Cheddar Cheese Stick. Each order comes with sliced apples or a bag of chips.
Obviously, the only vegetarian (though not vegan) option is the cheddar cheese stick. The Corn Dog Castle also sells an assortment of non-alcoholic beverages.
The Cheddar Cheese Stick is a delightful treat for cheese-lovers. The cheddar cheese is melted just-right and oozes with every bite.
While not the healthiest option, this one is sure to satisfy a guilty pleasure. And if you’re feeling too guilty, you can opt for the apple slices instead of the chips.