One of the first things that Faith had noticed about the pandemic was that she couldn’t go to Disneyland. She would repeatedly ask to go to Disneyland and we would have to explain that Disneyland was closed because of COVID. She soon learned that she didn’t like COVID and would say “I wish COVID would be over.” I can’t imagine what her 4 year old brain was processing.
Well we finally made it back! We had friends visiting Southern California who were going to do a Disneyland trip and we tagged along. What better time to make a return to Disneyland than when your Disney pals are going too?
Initially we were going to all go out to Anaheim. We had decided that the Jedidiah, the newborn, would probably be safest not going into the crowds. Allie was going to stay at the hotel with him. But after thinking it over, she decided to stay home so she could have access to the house, kitchen, and all her usual comforts of home. These would be much better than being cooped up in a small hotel room — no matter how comfortable the bed turned out to be.
One of the highlights of the trip was that Faith was finally tall enough to get on some of the “bigger” rides. She had asked to ride Big Thunder Mountain after she discovered the joy of Gadget’s Go Coaster. At the time she was too short to ride Thunder Mountain but I told her I would take her on it when she was tall enough. I was able to record the entire first round on the ride. We got back into the line as soon as we got off the ride!
Rise of the Resistance opened before the pandemic shut down Disneyland. But because of the height restrictions, we never tried get on this ride. This time, though, we were able to snag boarding passes and the kids were tall enough. In the video Faith gives her impressions about the ride.