36 Days To Go

36 Days To Go

Thirty-six days to go. That’s what I’ve been told, at least.

The modern engaged couple who registers for a free account with The Knot is all too familiar with the countdown they display each time you log in. At this time, as we close in on the Big Day, I find myself on the Knot almost daily as I enter in RSVP responses.

As of today, there are 36 days to go.

Without getting grossly and nauseatingly sappy, I’m downright excited.

The house has slowly been filling up with various items. There are gifts from the bridal shower that still sit in their packages waiting to be opened. Sadly, I am not allowed to open anything. That is the standing order — at least until we are married. She says that since she has not moved in yet and we cannot both enjoy the gifts, then I cannot start using them. Which is kind of annoying. Cause I really want to bust out that popcorn maker.

My closet space has also slowly been shrinking as Allison slowly brings her things over. The slow move-in will continue until the week before the wedding when the remaing items will be appearing en mass. Since moving into this house over a year ago, I have pretty much enjoyed a master bedroom and a walk-in closet all to myself. I suppose know it’s worth it, though.

I’m sure the next few weeks will be pretty hectic. I’m glad that I will be switching from an on-call month in December to a more clinic-based schedule come January. I also have the full week prior to the wedding off.

Perhaps the best thing to do for now is to just enjoy this phase of life. I don’t plan on being engaged again in the future, so it’ll be the only time I get to be engaged.

But I do admit, sometimes eloping does sound like a great option.

Oh, well. 36 days to go.